Friday, May 29, 2020

III YEAR, Think 3, unit 12, p.115

Hello all :)
This is the last official homework for this school year. Today we wrap up on unit 12, the grammar section, which refers to the I wish/if only + Past perfect, which we use when we want to express regret about the past.
There, I gave you the rule in the blue rectangle:
  • To express regret about the past, we can use I wish or If only + the past perfect tense.
TASK 1: Do exercises 2 and 3 from the grammar section.

In the vocabulary section, we see some phrases referring to the topics of nervousness and fear. Just match them with the pictures and that is TASK 2:

terrified - престрашен (од нешто)
biting my nails - грицка нокти
sweat - се поти
panic - паничи
mouth goes dry - устата му/ѝ се исуши
breathe hard - тешко дише
tremble - трепери
shaking - се тресе

Congrats, you made it! I know that it definitely wasn't the same as when we're in the classroom, but everyone tried real hard during these weird times. I'll send you details about the test on Sunday, and I also expect this homework by then.

II YEAR, Think 2, unit 12, p.115

Hello all!
This is the last official homework for this school year. Today we wrap up on unit 12, the grammar section, which refers to the Third conditional.

Already mentioned previous year, you should know that conditionals are complex sentences. They consist of two parts, called clauses, and they are in a special relation to one another. In the case of conditional sentences the two clauses are IF-clause and MAIN clause, the first one showing the condition needed for something to happen (or not happen), the second showing the result.

If you look at exercise 1, there are three sentences in the third conditional. You can notice which grammatical constructions are used to form them. If you answer the questions, you also get an idea about their use. Therefore, you can complete the blue RULE rectangle :)

  • To talk about unreal situations in the past and their imagined results, we use the third conditional. 
  • In the condition clause we use IF + PAST PERFECT, and in the result clause WOULD (but also COULD, MIGHT) + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb.
  • The condition clause can come before or after the result clause. (If it comes before, there is no need to use a comma.)
You can check more about the third conditional on the following links (or just ask me):
(There are also exercises included, this is not homework, but you might just try them)

TASK: Do exercises 2 and 3 in relation to the third conditional.

Congrats, you made it! I know that it definitely wasn't the same as when we're in the classroom, but everyone tried real hard during these weird times. I'll send you details about the test on Sunday, and I also expect this homework by then.

Monday, May 25, 2020

III year, THINK 3, unit 12, p.112

Hello all!
Today we have some vocabulary and grammar from unit 12, on page 112 in your book. They both deal with the notion of phrasal verbs.

In the English grammar, the phrasal verb is a combination of two or three words from different grammatical categories, a verb and an adverb or a preposition, which then form a new semantic unit on a lexical or syntactic level. This new unit - the phrasal verb - usually has a completely different meaning from the root verb.

TASK 1: Match the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 from the vocabulary section with the definitions given. Then use them in the sentences in exercise 2. Make sure you use them in the correct tense form. 

The grammar part focuses on the fact that some phrasal verbs can be separated by an object which comes between its two parts, while others do not allow that.
So, if we fill in the rule rectangle, we get the following:

-With some phrasal verbs, the two parts can't be separated. They have to be together. 
(e.g. We look forward to it. NOT: We look it forward to.) 
- Other phrasal verbs can be separated, we can put an object between the two parts, or after the second part. (e.g. She blew out the candles, but also: She blew the candles out.)
- When a pronoun is used with a phrasal verb whose parts can be separated, the pronoun must go between the parts of the phrasal verb. (e.g. He broke it down, NOT He broke down it.)

TASK 2: In exercise 2 from the grammar section, put the words into order to make sentences; if there are two possible, write them both. Then use the given phrasal verbs to complete the questions in exercise 3. Make sure you use them in the correct tense form.

That's it! I'll be expecting your homework till Thursday, 28th May, 23:59 pm.
Wishing you good health!  

II year, THINK 2, unit 12, p.112

Hello all!
Today we have some grammar and vocabulary from unit 12, on page 112.

The grammar part refers to the constructions BE ALLOWED TO/LET, which we use when we want to talk about PERMISSION. The rule is the following:

-We use BE ALLOWED TO when there is no need to identify who gives the permission, The subject of the sentence is the one who receives or doesn't receive permission. So, the form is:

SUBJECT + BE ALLOWED TO + INFINITIVE (Некому му е дозволено нешто)

-We use LET when the subject of the sentence is the one who gives or doesn't give permission:


TASK 1: Following the given example, form sentences in exercise 2. Then, write 3 sentences about yourself in exercise 3.

The vocabulary section deals with phrases about discipline. There are six:

to do what you're told = да правиш како што ти е кажано
to behave well = да се однесуваш добро
to get punished = да бидеш казнет(а)
to break the rules = да ги прекршиш правилата
to get into trouble = да западнеш во невоља
to get told off = да бидеш прекорен(а)

TASK 2: Match the phrases with the definitions in exercise 1, then use them in the sentences in exercise 2.

That's it! I'll be expecting your homework till Thursday, 28th May, 23:59 pm.
Wishing you good health!

Friday, May 22, 2020

III YEAR, Think 3, Unit 12, p.110 & 111

Hello everyone :) Today we begin with the last unit, that's unit 12 - A First Time for Everything.

Before you start rolling your eyes at yet another homework, let me tell you that this time I don't expect you to send me any homework in written form. I do, however, hope you'll find the time to read and listen to the text on page 111. The main topics of this unit are talking about first experiences, nice moments or stressful events, expressing fears/regret.

Read the text THE FIRST THING YOU REMEMBER, while listening as well:

That's it! I wish you all a nice weekend ahead, new homework comes on Monday. 

Also, I'd like to congratulate you on the 24th May, 
Day of the Slavic Enlighteners, Ss. Cyril and Methodius!

II YEAR, Think 2, Unit 11, p.110 & 111

Hello everyone :) Today we begin with the last unit, that's unit 12 - Playing by the rules.

Before you start rolling your eyes at yet another homework, let me tell you that this time I don't expect you to send me any homework in written form. I do, however, hope you'll find the time to read and listen to the text on page 111. The main topics of this unit are following rules, types of rules (personal, family, school, society), permission and prohibition. 

Read the text HARD TIMES TO BE A KID, while listening as well:


That's it! I wish you all a nice weekend ahead, new homework comes on Monday. 

Also, I'd like to congratulate you on the 24th May, 
Day of the Slavic Enlighteners, Ss. Cyril and Methodius!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

III year, Think 3, Unit 11, p. 107, 108, 109

Hello people! Today we'll quickly go over several pages and wrap up on unit 11. On page 107 the grammar section refers to the use of so/such in order to emphasize adjectives, adverbs, nouns and noun phrases. The only difference in form is that when so/such are used with nouns, an indefinite article is necessary.
so/such + adjective/adverb
so/such + (a/an) (adjective) noun

Eventually, so/such can be used to show how one thing is a result of another, in which case they are followed by that.
e.g. The party was so much fun that he wished it never ended.
       It was such a special occasion that they needed to follow the dress code.

On the right side of page 107 we see the vocabulary section. It refers to negative prefixes in adjectives. Look up the adjectives in exercise 1 and their opposites on the net, then fill in the table in exercise 2.

1. Do exercise 3 from the grammar section.
2. Do exercise 3 from the vocabulary section.

On page 108, there is a text The Great Escape. Read through it and then

1. Do exercise 3 (p.108) and 5 (p.109) in relation to the text.

I'll be expecting your homework till 21st May, 23:59 pm. Stay well!

Monday, May 18, 2020

II year, Think 2, Unit 11, p.107, 108, 109

Hello people! You may have noticed, we are getting closer to the end of our book!
Today we begin on page 107. The grammar lesson isn't actually a lesson, it just reminds you of some of the verb patterns in the English language, when after certain verbs like ask, want, tell, you need to use an object and then an infinitive. This is in relation to the previously mentioned grammar lesson - reported speech. (We've already mentioned this, e.g. he said that... vs. he told ME that).

Therefore, the rule in the blue rectangle is:
Some verbs (ask, want, tell) are followed by an object (noun or personal PRONOUN) 
and the INFINITIVE form of the verb.

TASK 1: Just put the words in exercise 1 in the correct order and form three sentences.

The vocabulary section deals with some reporting verbs that are often used in order to avoid using said/told all the time. The ones in exercise 1 are normally used in reporting followed by an object and an infinitive. Let's see if you know their meaning:
persuade - убедува
encourage - охрабрува
warn - предупредува
invite - поканува
remind - потсетува
allow - дозволува
want - бара (од некого)

TASK 2: In exercise 1 match which verb from the list matches which sentence. You don't have to write anything down for this exercise. Do the second exercise - rewrite the sentences including the given verbs.

Page 108 brings us the Photostory: episode 6. Once you're done reading the story, go to page 109 where you can see how it continues. Watch it here:

1. Do exercise 5 in connection to the episode 6 of the photostory.
2. Do the two exercises in the WordWise section - expressions with MAKE.

I'll be expecting your homework till 21st May, 23:59 pm. Stay well! 💟

Thursday, May 14, 2020

III YEAR, Think 3, p.105 & 106

Hello all! New post today, we continue with unit 11.

On page 105, the upper half is in relation to the Listening skill. Here's the recording:

TASK 1: 
1. Listen to the story. Put the pictures in the chronological order. 
2. Answer the questions in exercise 3.

Next is the Grammar section - using to + infinitive to talk about purpose, or, more formally we can use in order to/ so as to + infinitive. In Macedonian, these correspond to целни зависносложени реченици, and the conjunction is (за) да

TASK 2: Do exercise 2. First match, then write sentences with the words given in brackets.

On page 106, we have a Reading assignment. Read the article. If there are unknown words/ expressions, you can look them up on the internet or just ask me 👍

1. Do exercise 2 - which of the emergency calls do the pictures show?
2. Answer the questions in exercise 3.

That's it! It's rather short, so I'll give you time to send it by Sunday, 17th May, 23:59 pm.

II YEAR, Think 2, p.105 & 106

Hello all! New post today, we continue with unit 11. 

On page 105, there are exercises in relation to the Listening skill. Here is the file:

There are three exercises in total. 
1. In the first exercise, just match the words with the number of the photo which represents the extreme weather conditions.
2. In the second exercise, answer the question.
3. In the third exercise, choose the correct picture according to what you hear.

On page 106, we have a Reading skill assignment. Read through the text "A tale of two Guys". In case of unknown words/expressions, look them up on the internet or just ask me 👍

1. In exercise 3, match the people with the descriptions.
2. In exercise 4, put the events in chronological order by using numbers 1-8.

That's it! Because it's rather short, I give you less days to complete it. Send it by Sunday, 17th May, 23:59 pm.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

III year, THINK 3, Unit 11, p.104

Hello people!
Today we continue on page 104 in your books, where there are two sections. The first one is grammar, referring to verbs followed by gerund or infinitive; the second one is vocabulary, with words and phrases in relation to danger and safety.

1. Do exercises 1 and 2, completing the sentences from the news report on p.103. Answer -what do the verbs in the first exercise have in common, and what about the verbs in the second exercise? Then complete the blue RULE rectangle. 
2. Do exercise 3 with the combination of the given verbs.
3. Do the exercises on the following page from the Think 3 workbook:

4. Replace the underlined phrases in exercise 1 form the vocabulary section, with the ones given in your book.
5. In exercise 2, just circle (or write down) the correct words.

You can also take a look at some interesting idioms connected to danger and safety:

I'll be expecting your assignments till Sunday, 10th May, 23:59 pm.
Sending you love 💖💖💖

II year, THINK 2, Unit 11, p.104

Hello people!
Today we are on page 104, which brings us some grammar - reported statements. When it comes to reported speech, students mostly remember the tense change: aha, the one-tense-backwards rule! However, do remember that this applies only if the reporting verb is in the past, and also there are some other changes that you need to take care of. We change the pronouns as well, and we change the time expressions, demonstratives, adverbs of place. But, let's begin at the beginning 😊

The following is an excellent presentation on reported speech and I highly recommend it in case you need to refresh your knowledge on the subject, or if you maybe have any doubts about its rules, as in use and form:

You can then go to page 104 in your books and fill in the blue RULE rectangle. After that:

TASK 1: Do exercises 1,2 and 3 from the grammar section.

The second section on this page refers to vocabulary - words and expressions in relation to fun, jokes, being funny. They are given in italics in the first exercise.

TASK 2: Do exercise 2 - match sentences 1-8 with a-h.

Make sure you know the meanings of the words and expressions, if not, look them up on the Internet, ask me, just have fun. And remember, fun is not the same as funny!

I'll be expecting your assignments till Sunday, 10th May, 23:59 pm.
Sending you love 💖💖💖