Monday, May 25, 2020

II year, THINK 2, unit 12, p.112

Hello all!
Today we have some grammar and vocabulary from unit 12, on page 112.

The grammar part refers to the constructions BE ALLOWED TO/LET, which we use when we want to talk about PERMISSION. The rule is the following:

-We use BE ALLOWED TO when there is no need to identify who gives the permission, The subject of the sentence is the one who receives or doesn't receive permission. So, the form is:

SUBJECT + BE ALLOWED TO + INFINITIVE (Некому му е дозволено нешто)

-We use LET when the subject of the sentence is the one who gives or doesn't give permission:


TASK 1: Following the given example, form sentences in exercise 2. Then, write 3 sentences about yourself in exercise 3.

The vocabulary section deals with phrases about discipline. There are six:

to do what you're told = да правиш како што ти е кажано
to behave well = да се однесуваш добро
to get punished = да бидеш казнет(а)
to break the rules = да ги прекршиш правилата
to get into trouble = да западнеш во невоља
to get told off = да бидеш прекорен(а)

TASK 2: Match the phrases with the definitions in exercise 1, then use them in the sentences in exercise 2.

That's it! I'll be expecting your homework till Thursday, 28th May, 23:59 pm.
Wishing you good health!