Thursday, May 14, 2020

II YEAR, Think 2, p.105 & 106

Hello all! New post today, we continue with unit 11. 

On page 105, there are exercises in relation to the Listening skill. Here is the file:

There are three exercises in total. 
1. In the first exercise, just match the words with the number of the photo which represents the extreme weather conditions.
2. In the second exercise, answer the question.
3. In the third exercise, choose the correct picture according to what you hear.

On page 106, we have a Reading skill assignment. Read through the text "A tale of two Guys". In case of unknown words/expressions, look them up on the internet or just ask me 👍

1. In exercise 3, match the people with the descriptions.
2. In exercise 4, put the events in chronological order by using numbers 1-8.

That's it! Because it's rather short, I give you less days to complete it. Send it by Sunday, 17th May, 23:59 pm.