Friday, April 17, 2020

II year, THINK 2, Unit 10, p.98 & 99

Hello everyone!
We are slowly, yet surely coming towards the end of Unit 10. This time I give you two pages; they refer to the culture part and the writing skills part of the unit. On page 98, the cultural review looks at different sports events and healthy exercise habits around the world.

1. Read the text carefully and answer the questions in exercise 2.
2. Look at exercise 3 on the page, it also refers to the given text. Feel free to ask me or just google any unknown words, phrases and/or information. Write down the answers.
(No need to do exercise 4)

On page 99, there is a segment that is meant to refine your writing skills a bit. So, let's try it! 

3. First, read Lily's story "A Big Mistake", then answer the three questions in exercise 1.
4. Write a story about a real or imagined event. It doesn't have to be a sports event. It can be a funny or a scary experience you had with your friends/family. Just make sure the written story is not longer than 200 words. Next thing is that it's well-structured. This means it has an introduction, main part and an ending. Also, take care about the tenses you use, make sure they help the reader tell the order of events. Feel free to use the time expressions given in bold in Lily's story. Make an effort to make the story rather interesting to read and it'd be nice if you came up with a title for the story.

That's it! Your tasks are due to 25th April, 23:59 pm.

I'd tell you to rest and chill but I guess we are already doing it all day long 😃