Wednesday, April 1, 2020

III YEAR - Think 3, Unit 10, p.95

Hello everyone!

We continue with our journey through unit 10. Page 95 brings us to the listening skills part. The upper half of p.95 is about a quiz show. You have the questionnaire with the offered answers. But, first ask yourselves do you know the answers to the following questions:

  • Who was the first person to appear on a coin?
  • When was the first paper money printed?
  • When was the first credit card issued?
Evolution of money is a fascinating topic and anything connected to it makes people discuss a lot about it. You can check many sources on this and that around the net, I'm sure, maybe you'll like these:

Let's get back to our quiz show. Now click on the next video to listen to the audio data. Here we get to the first task.


1. Give the answers to the five questions in the quiz. How many did you get correctly?
2. Which fact was the most surprising/interesting to you?


The lower half of the page refers to the Think self-esteem part. It invites you to consider your broader opinions and values through self-reflection. The question is simple: what's important for your future? Take time and think well about your choices.


3. Choose the statements you agree with most in exercise 1
4. Match the types of goals given to each of the statements in exercise 1
5. Write sentences, at least one about each goal about yourself. You have examples in the book.

Finally, for those who are curious about the vowels in English and the pronunciation of long and short vowels, check out this:


Have fun! Will be expecting your homework until Saturday evening, 23:59 pm. 
On Sunday new homework. Love you guys, you are doing awesome! 💗💙💚💛💜